
How to Build Trust with Insurance Verification

Arguably, insurance verification is one of the most critical steps in the revenue cycle pipeline of a dental practice. With approximately two-thirds of Americans enrolled in private insurance plans, insurance verification is an essential step in creating accurate treatment estimations, maximizing legitimate reimbursement, and building trust with teammates and patients. Then why is insurance verification […]

Determining medical necessity for dental medical billing

Dental medical billing and cross-coding can be complex, especially when you aren’t confident in establishing medical necessity. Medical and dental providers and payors use the same terminology, which means that confusion is alarmingly common when it comes to submitting dental procedures to a medical payor for reimbursement. Let’s take a closer look at tips for […]

3 Ways to MAXIMIZE CDT Codes

One of the fundamental aspects of your dental practice’s financial health revolves around the utilization of Current Dental Terminology (CDT) codes. These codes, central to dental billing and communication, are vital to successful claim submissions and eventual insurance reimbursement. However, many practices have yet to maximize the potential of the most current dental coding and administration […]

Implant coding tips and tools

One of the more common challenges for dental practices is proper implant coding and reporting of implant-related procedures. There are numerous CDT codes that describe the various implant-related procedures, but not all of the codes may be in the Implant Services Category (D6000–D6199), which can lead to coding conundrums and denied claims. In this blog, […]

Dental billing best practices for two-step procedures

Dental billing best practices for two-step procedures Are you seeing dental claim denials for two-step procedures, such as crowns and removable prosthodontics? You aren’t alone. We asked one of the Practice Booster Advisors to give dental billing best practices for two-step procedures so that you can confidently avoid unnecessary denials. Incurred liability date When you […]