INSTRUCTIONS: Dental Students Sign Up

  1. Go to the “Students” page and click the “Get Verified using your .edu email” button.

2. Go to the Login page and click on the “Student (.edu) Login” button.

3. When you are logged into your school email account (ending in “.edu”) in your browser, you will be automatically signed in. If multiple accounts are present, select your “.edu” email and log in with your “.edu” password.

4. If your .edu email address is not listed, click “Use another account.” On the next page click “Create account,” follow the prompts to enter your name and birthday, and click next. On the “How you’ll sign in” page, click “Use your existing email” and enter your school .edu address when prompted. You will need to verify your address by following a link sent by Google, and then you’ll be logged in.

5. Once logged in, you will have verified your student/educator account and will have access to your complimentary Code Advisor Subscription!

6. Click on Code Advisor and start searching Practice Booster’s Code Advisor system – the industry’s most comprehensive CDT coding resource.

7. Try typing “Implant Supported Crown” into the search bar and view your results:

8. Bookmark the Code Advisor Page and enjoy learning!

9. On mobile, be sure to tap the tap the three bars in the top right corner to view Code Advisor and other resources. Add a shortcut icon on your phone for quick access!