Dental Coding

Relates to the CDT codes which are published and managed by the American Dental Association (ADA)

Dental Code Advisor Podcast Cover Art

Utilizing D0180 and D4346

Join Practice Booster’s Dr. Greg Grobmyer as he discusses two CDT codes that every practice should be using to maximize insurance reimbursements; D0180 comprehensive periodontal evaluation and D4346 scaling in presence of moderate or severe gingival inflammation. Learn when to use the codes, how to properly document in the clinical record, what attachments to submit […]

Increase your revenue through dental coding

A majority of dental offices do not update coding resources regularly to stay in the know, which means they are risking denials, delays, and disruptions in their dental practice revenue. Does this sound familiar? In this article, we discuss proven strategies to increase your revenue through dental coding, with the added benefit of increased compliance. […]

Practice Booster Mourns the Passing of Dr. Charles Blair, DDS

Dr. William "Charles" Blair, the esteemed founder of Practice Booster, passed away on November 6, 2023, following a courageous battle with health issues. His legacy of innovation, mentorship, and dedication to dental practice management will forever be remembered.     Dr. Blair’s contributions to dentistry are unparalleled. As a pioneer in the field, he played […]

Dental Coding Tip: Osseous Surgery

One of the most popular features of a Practice Booster Online subscription is dental coding and administration support with Practice Booster Advisors. Here is a recent question, from a valued Practice Booster subscriber, that we wanted to share as our dental coding tip of the month. Dental coding question: I recently received an EOB from […]

Dental coding tips for Halloween emergencies

Halloween is a time of year that children and adults alike look forward to with great anticipation. The costumes, the candy, and the spooky decorations all contribute to the excitement of this holiday. However, for dental professionals, Halloween can also be a time of increased stress and dental emergencies. The consumption of sugary treats, and […]